Source: Gunnar Uldall Wirtschaftspreis

Gunnar Uldall Wirtschaftspreis 2019

The board of trustees selected three finalists from myriad applications. Each of the finalists got the opportunity to introduce themselves and present their company personally in a pitch. Appinio GmbH, led by founder Jonathan Kurfess, came out on top.

The finalists were:

Lignopure GmbH – a lignin-based solution to replace microplastics in industrially manufactured products

Appinio Ltd. – Market research in minutes

Jetlite GmbH – a lighting solution to reduce jetlag in airplanes

Thanks to everybody at the “Gunnar Uldall Kuratorium” as well as the “AGA Unternehmensverband” for the great opportunity to be a part of this special occasion.

To watch Lignopure’s pitch, click here:

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